Char Char Bouquet
Send a stunning pink bouquet, complimented with Limoniumn, Salal and tulips
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Please type your delivery date (eg. 24-01-23)
This beauty was created and inspired by my dear friend Charlie West,
She moved to Devon with her family before lock down.
This bouquet fits perfectly in any surrounding, however the country elegance is the inspiration
The simple deep fluffy roses are a sheer delight complimented by pale pink tulips.
The Limoniumn is such a great addition to create with the Salal that country vibe.
Stem length typically ranges from 50-70 cm and can last for up to and over 14 days if cared for properly.
Our flowers are hand picked and every effort is made to ensure the best quality of flowers are delivered, flowers are pre-ordered in advanced, so 72 hours notice is required to cancel any order or subscription. Please contact us directly at
If you should you require any further information.
In order to get the best out of our product, flowers will be delivered to your door within 24 hours of us receiving them from the grower.