May Sweet Heart bouquet - Flowers direct from the grower that last 7- 14 days
The May bouquet, contains three varieties of rose all of which are beautiful. This bouquet brings untold joy to the receiver.
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. The trio of roses in this bouquet features the delicate apricot-colored Trendsetter rose, harmonized with the subtle Doris Day rose and the timeless innocence of the ivory Avalanche rose—a classic favorite.
Inspired by my daughter May, this bouquet mirrors her pure beauty and lively spirit, always considering others. May, a true gem, is the muse behind this arrangement.
Our flowers are hand picked and every effort is made to ensure the best quality of flowers are delivered, flowers are pre-ordered in advanced, so 72 hours notice is required to cancel any order or subscription. Please contact us directly at
If you should you require any further information.
In order to get the best out of our product, flowers will be delivered to your door within 24 hours of us receiving them from the grower.